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Come appare il corpo di una donna poche ore dopo il parto

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Sul suo account Instagram con oltre 30mila follower, Elise Raquel ha mostrato i veri segni del corpo femminile prima e dopo la gravidanza e ha smontati i falsi miti sul tema

Cosa significa davvero mettere al mondo un bambino? Quali sono gli effetti di una gravidanza sul corpo di una donna? Quanto durano i segni di un parto?

Per rispondere a queste domande e fornire una versione quanto meno edulcorata possibile della realtà, sempre più donne hanno deciso di pubblicare sui social network le loro foto a poche ore dal parto.

Elise Raquel è una giovane madre di tre bambini e autrice di un famoso profilo su Instagram. Sul social network la donna ha pubblicato le foto del suo corpo poche ore dopo aver partorito e mostrando così ai suoi 30mila follower, come appare il fisico nella realtà dopo aver messo al mondo un bambino.

Nonostante la gioia di accogliere una nuova vita, Elise Raquel ammette di sentirsi ancora “strana quando vede il suo corpo segnato dalla gravidanza”.

Tuttavia, dopo aver dato alla luce la figlia Willa, la donna ha dichiarato di aver finalmente imparato a essere orgogliosa del suo corpo, compresi i chili in più e le smagliature che sono venuti con la gravidanza.

“Non è facile tornare a casa con un bambino e dover ancora indossare abiti premaman. Ma finalmente ho capito che il mio corpo post-parto non è qualcosa da nascodere! Ho superato l’orgoglio e ho capito che ciò che questo corpo ha fatto è sacro”, scrive la donna.

Elise Raquel ha così dato vita a una vera e propria moda, ispirando moltissime donne a postare foto post-parto in cui mostrano smagliature e chili di troppo.

L’intento di Elise è anche quello di smontare alcuni falsi miti, talvolta alimentati anche da star o modelle di fama internazionale.

Le donne che non hanno mai affrontato una gravidanza possono tendere a credere, vedendo alcune immagini, che il corpo torni velocemente allo stato in cui era prima di restare incinte.

Questo non è sempre vero e dipendere da moltissimi fattori, come la predisposizione, la dieta e l’attività fisica.

Durante la gravidanza il corpo subisce modifiche che non sempre una donna riesce ad accettare con facilità.

“Anche io, al pari di molte altre donne, avevo guardato le foto di celebrità che avevano mostrato il loro corpo a poche settimane dalla nascita del figlio”, dice all’Independent Elise Raquel, “e speravo che sarebbe stato lo stesso anche per me. Ma quelle foto non erano realistiche e non corrispondevano a quanto invece accade per la maggior parte delle mamme”.

Nonostante l’afflusso di messaggi positivi, Raquel ha notato che molte persone hanno messo in discussione la sua decisione di condividere pubblicamente foto personali su internet. Alcune persone sono rimaste sbalordite di come si potesse apparire ancora “così incinta” anche dopo il parto.

Let’s talk postpartum bodies! I asked @belleverdiglionephotography to take this photo, just hours after giving birth to Willa, in my rawest and most vulnerable state. I was in pain and I was overcome by a flood of emotions. Elated to have welcomed our beautiful girl and so empowered and proud of what my body and I had just done! It’s a strange feeling to look down and still see a bump, even though you’re holding your baby in your arms, even after doing it three times. It’s not easy to go home with a baby and still have to wear maternity clothes. With my first I was adamant I would just “bounce back”. Everyone would say “you’re young, you’ll loose the baby weight in no time!” But you know what, I didn’t, I never have in fact. With each baby I’ve gained a few more kilos and a few more stretch marks. I used to feel the need to cover up in this newborn stage, I didn’t want to see my body in this state, so why would anyone else? It’s taken me three babies, but I’ve finally realised this postpartum body isn’t something to hide! I am beyond proud for what this body has given and sacralised. I am thankful that my body is able to carry and birth babies naturally. I am NOT ashamed of my (many) new stripes and my postpartum body. And neither should you! Let’s celebrate postpartum bodies, in all their glory. The female body is incredible and I am so proud of what mine has done!

Un post condiviso da Formerly eliseraquel (@raisingyoungloves) in data:

My post labour photo has been shared a few times on the internet this past week. And although I received a huge amount of support and had so many mothers share their own postpartum stories, I also saw many people question my decision to share such a personal photo publicly on the internet. So I thought I’d explain why. When I was pregnant with Peyton I really had no idea what post birth was really like, and you don’t fully understand until you actually have a baby! I was one of the first of my friends to get pregnant, so I didn’t have that support group to ask all those TMI questions about pregnancy and birth. My doctor was more concerned about setting a medically unnecessary induction date rather than explaining to me what post birth would be like! No one told me the reality of the fourth trimester. I had no idea you could still look so pregnant even after giving birth. Everyone told me I was young, I would bounce straight back, and I believed them. Just like many women do, I too used to look up to the media, celebrities who would show off their supermodel like post baby bodies just weeks after giving birth! I thought thats how it would be for me too. So when I went home from hospital four days after giving birth, still looking six months pregnant, I thought I must have done something wrong. How come I didn’t look like they did post baby? How come I didn’t bounce back straight away like everyone said I would? How come it took me a year to fit back into my pre baby jeans? Well, because for many women, and for me, this post baby picture that was painted in my head just wasn’t realistic! There’s so much pressure from society and from ourselves to look a certain way post baby, but for many that’s not the case, and that’s ok! I posted that photo because I wish someone had posted a photo just like mine when I was pregnant. I wish that someone had told me what realistically might happen to my body and to my mind. The fourth trimester is such a taboo topic. I want other mums also walking in my shoes to know that they’re not alone. That whatever their postpartum journey may be, it’s ok, it’s normal and it should always be priaised! I did it for me, for you and for her!

Un post condiviso da Formerly eliseraquel (@raisingyoungloves) in data:

I miss being pregnant. I miss feeling comfortable in my own skin. I miss feeling pretty. I miss feeling sexy. I had taken a very positive approach to my postpartum body when I first had Willa. I was (and still am) so proud of what my body did (and is still doing), to create and sustain life! I am so thankful for being blessed with the ability to do so and I in no way take that for granted. But the past month I have just felt so deflated. I look in the mirror and I don’t even recognise myself. My clothes don’t fit, my body has changed so much. I’m embarrassed. I haven’t lost any weight since returning home with my baby, in fact I’ve actually put it on! I look at my children and of course there’s no way I would trade them for my body, for my confidence, for my self love. But heck I wish it wasn’t this hard to except the changes. I’m embarrassed at the state my body is in, you see so many mothers, some even with triplets, just “bounce back” to their model like bodies! But for the majority, that’s just not reality! It takes 9 months to grow life and they say it takes 9 months for your body to return to normal! I’m determined to loose this 30kg of extra weight. Determined to feel pretty again, feel sexy again, or at very least, be comfortable in my own skin again! I’m determined to walk down the aisle, loving the skin I’m in! It’s not easy this forth trimester, but I have two beautiful girls who need me to show them that this IS normal and it IS ok. Having children has changed me in many more ways than I ever expected. It’s definitely difficult at times but I’m oh so thankful to be given this privilege and I know one day I’ll love my body again ❤️

Un post condiviso da Formerly eliseraquel (@raisingyoungloves) in data:

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