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Bloodmoney, il testo della canzone (cover) cantata dai Mlancholia a X Factor 2020

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Bloodmoney, il testo della canzone (cover) cantata dai Mlancholia a X Factor 2020

Qual è il testo di “Bloodmoney” dei Poppy, la canzone (cover) cantata dai Mlancholia nel corso della seconda puntata dei Live di X Factor 2020? Di seguito il testo intonato dagli artisti dei Gruppi stasera, 5 novembre 2020:


What do you believe when everyone is watching?
What do you believe?
What do you believe when nobody is watching?
What do you believe?
Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
I know what it feels like
To have my soul sucked out of my body
I finally know what it feels like
To be dead
Your soul can’t be saved for all the sins you’ve ignored
And the devil is well aware he is adored
Never forget the excess of a man
Because the grabbing hands always grab what they can
What do you believe when everyone is watching?
What do you believe?
What do you believe when nobody is watching?
What do you believe?
Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
What do you believe when no one is around?
What do you believe when no one is around?
What do you believe when no one is around?
What do you believe when no one is around?

Come si vota

Vi è piaciuta l’esibizione dei Mlancholia con Bloodmoney? Ecco come si vota per i concorrenti di X Factor 2020. Il voto durante i Live sarà disponibile tramite i seguenti canali in modo totalmente gratuito:

  1. WEB: accedendo al sito xfactor.sky.it da desktop o da mobileloggandosi con il proprio Sky ID oppure registrandosi.
  2. Twitter: inviando un messaggio diretto verso l’account Twitter  “@XFactor_Italia”
  3. App XF 2020: scaricando gratis l’App X Factor 2020 da Apple Store o, per i dispositivi Android, da Google Play e accedendo alla sezione di voto. Per procedere al voto è necessario fare login con Sky ID o Facebook o Twitter
  4. Smartwatch: per accedere al voto è necessario fare login dall’App X Factor 2020 con Sky ID o Facebook o Twitter
  5. Decoder Sky:canale interattivo/Tasto verde (solo per STBs connessi a Internet) e Sky Q
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